Black Rhino Academy - Construction Begins
Dear Family and Friends,
I am happy to share the first pictures of construction of Black Rhino Academy. After a lot of paperwork and some delays you can finally see things taking shape.
As we were fencing in the property, we had our first encounter with the local wildlife - elephants trying to get through the fence. They entered on an unfenced part and when trapped marched right through the fence on the other side. Thankfully we managed to fix the damage quickly and now that they are no opening, we hope the elephants will not try to break through again. We successfully drilled for water and soon will have a pump and tank installed. We also completed the service building which will house the main electricity connection, a small workshop and in the future solar power back up.
Construction on our first classroom block has started and the site is buzzing with people digging, materials being delivered and additional building locations being set out.
Please share this blog with family and friends who might be interested to learn more about Black Rhino Academy and its progress. You can also sign up for our email updates on this page.
Best wishes from Karatu,